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The book cover of Wayne Stinnet's novel, Rising Force
Rising Force
Jesse McDermitt
A Jesse McDermitt Novel
Caribbean Adventure Series
Volume 13

Paradise has a price. For Jesse McDermitt, that price is his moral compass and a bullet. The retired Marine and charter skipper takes on a passenger in Nassau, a young woman who is a breath of fresh air. She introduces him to the laid-back cruising crowd on an idyllic small cay in the Berry Islands. Jesse takes to the relaxing lifestyle like a fish to water. – Living each day on its own terms is a new experience for Jesse, but it doesn’t last long. Trouble always seems to find him. When Jesse gets word that someone is destroying nearby patch reefs and poaching sea turtles — and that all this is happening in the same area where a trio of sadistic murderers may be hiding — it triggers his instincts for investigation. – Has Jesse’s urge to find out the truth cost him everything? He came to the Bahamas on a fool’s errand to reconnect with a lost love. The image of her on a beach in the Virgin Islands fills his mind as he passes out from loss of blood…