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Book Cover of Cocaine Cowboys by Wayne Stinnett
Cocaine Cowboys
Young Jesse McDermitt
A Young Jesse McDermitt Novel
Tropical Adventure Series
Volume 3

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After undergoing many weeks of training in the harsh winter months in the frozen north, Jesse McDermitt and Rusty Thurman are ready for some time off, their last leave period in their first year in the Marine Corps.

Only this time, it’s not palm shaded tropical beaches they’ll be unwinding at, but diving in the frigid coastal waters off the Outer Banks of North Carolina, the famed Graveyard of the Atlantic, and thought to hold great wealth in her murky depths.

The dangerous banks, with their constantly changing cuts, both far offshore, and in Pamlico Sound, have been the stronghold of piracy for centuries. Modern pirates didn’t plunder merchant vessels for gold, sugar, and silks, but instead preyed on anyone, even the drug traffickers.

When Jesse and Rusty, along with another Marine, run up against the ocean thieves, an unlikely partner joins in the fight to tip the odds.

The OBX has a history as deep and dark as the ocean that surrounds it. And all too often, man-made storms cause just as much havoc as the hurricanes which have lashed her shores.